Thursday, March 12, 2009

Goals and Beliefs - Chicken and Egg

Remember those resolutions Years News - "We will; improve business income, a quarter have better sales, cut costs; spend more time with less staff and documents; go to the gym, lose weight, stop smoking; drink more (water) and etc ... .. "

Some of us write our goals, their type, make spreadsheets, written in ink on them and put them on notice boards. And some of us came to the conclusion; New Years resolution that (like affirmations) do not work so why bother? Finally, we have not received enough evidence that New Years Resolution and Goal Setting does not work, because we only made it "that was the year that was" an exercise and not as much has happened that was supposed to. Or did it?

For some of us, New Years resolutions are simply not necessary, because we have already written out clearly our objectives, we regularly review and update progress in the structures put in place to hold themselves accountable, and we measure our performance .

So, what is the difference between looking back a year in December 2006 by a year of many achievements and growth, and feeling good, or not seeing a bit of an event, having Christmas dinner in the same house , same conversations, same complaints, same old, same old?

The difference that makes the difference is our belief.

"If you can believe, or believe that you can not be right" is often misquoted and so true.

Have you ever set a goal, or had a pair for you, and you really believed deep down that you can not do it? What happened? You were you were not right?
Conversely, you have a goal you never know with certainty that this was a piece of cake? Yes, and you are right again, were not you?
Experience, skills and knowledge you have now, you can go back and achieve the first goal? Maybe, maybe. With the benefit of 20:20 hindsight what was the difference?

Take 5 minutes to private next exercise startlingly simple but powerful

Look at a simple goal you have currently - Enter the date for him because of it. Study. Today, write down all your beliefs on this one goal. List everything positive and supportive and all beliefs, as well as dangerous. Omit anything. Done? Well. Now look back at your behavior in the last month in connection with this one goal, and the deletion of those beliefs that have not been completely supported by your behavior. (For example, your goal is to run your first marathon on June 06. You believe you were fit. You believe you will do it in under 4 hours. Your behavior is that she is 7 months away, you still do not have put on your running shoes to train! Put a line through the "getting fit", and put another line through the "under 4 hours" faith. Your behavior does not support your stated beliefs). Is this becoming bitter?

Now, imagine Big Brother has been watching and recording your behavior last month. Write a list of what specifically will perform Big Brother to be your beliefs in relation to this objective review by your behavior. Be honest, you're the only person reading lists 2. (eg marathon example, "I believe that I am able")
Compare the two lists. They are your true beliefs as you are those who live in relation to this objective. What are your lists telling about your beliefs about this particular goal? They are supportive of achieving the goal or limiting you and holding you back?

It was a simple exercise involving only one goal. If you only had found supportive beliefs, then congratulations, you are probably in your path to achieve that goal. Repeat the exercise for some of the goals you are not achieving, you can detect a limiting belief holding you back. If yes, well done again. You are now a step closer to reaching (or redefining) also these goals.

The lesson is that when we believe we can - we will. When we believe we can not we will not. It is that simple.

This is to give you a lesson, your staff and your children, for all.

May be wondering why a staff / team member is struggling to reach a goal you set, and another is effortlessly exceeding budget, when the two appear to have the same disabilities etc. beliefs may be a factor. While performance management is a useful tool, is also a blunt one. Share this article as a team for the opening of your discussion to examine whether there are limiting beliefs holding someone back.

The great thing about beliefs is that they are just beliefs. Beliefs are just thought forms. Stronger confidence we can have is that we control our beliefs. We can change at will! For those who now want to argue that point and show me that you will go to fight for your beliefs. Remember the tooth fairy? This confidence fell by the wayside a little knowledge of new and a different perspective.

Look back at your history, how many other beliefs have left behind you as you gain personal growth, new knowledge and experience? Comes from the Northern Irish Catholic stock - I Attese unuseful to leave a little but very strong beliefs on the way back to growth.

So I repeat - the most powerful faith we may have is that we can change our beliefs.

As you look at your unfinished goals again - explore them now in a new light, the limiting beliefs that you may have held you back?

Changing limiting beliefs can be as direct their speaking loudly and acknowledging their existence. (Note: best done in privacy)

However, more complex for limiting beliefs Performance Coaching can be useful. Start now - Start sliding your limiting beliefs and achieve goals.

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