Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chicken Soup for Merchant Service Provider

One of the important factors of a successful online business is a good merchant services provider. In other words, it is your credit card processing company. I have heard countless stories in which ecommerce website owners (or even website designers) have been taken for a ride by the credit card processing company.

A few bad apples does not make a bad harvest

True, there are companies just out there to get your fees. No question about it. But then there are some honest ones out there as well, and frankly, can we do without them? No. So it makes sense to try to find a good one and stick with it.

So what to look for?

1. Reputation : The company may not be there for ages, but some kind of history is probably good.
2. Independent certification: Sites like , Better Business Bureau or Trustline can throw some light.
3. Any Credit Card processing company must have a transparent and open fee structure. May not be the cheapest on the block, but you absolutely want to avoid the hiddent charges.
4. Do they accept all cards? How broad is their appeal? Do they have retail or wireless credit card terminals?
5. Technology : Are they in the cutting edge? Do they have a clue on what is MOTO credit card terminal plus printer ? In today's hacking and grey world, a credit card company which does not regard technology as their friend should be dropped like a hot potato.

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